Mastering Your Craft: 5 Sources For Hair Cutting Classes

As a stylist, you never stop learning. Professional magazines and news sources are always buzzing about new hair cutting techniques and new styles to learn and the latest and greatest tools to help you get the job done. Trends are also constantly changing; what is in during the spring may be out in the summer, and having an arsenal of knowledge and practice under your belt will ensure that you feel prepared no matter what is being requested in the chair. Cutting classes do not end at beauty school and here are a few places you will be able to find them.

Through Your Salon

Many salons offer a variety of advanced classes for their stylists. Some may offer them on a schedule or may even require their stylists to attend, while others you may need to ask the owner or manager to find out what is currently being offered. Classes may be offered in-house or you may need to make a short-distance trip to a larger location, where many salons are attending.

Professionals-Only Beauty Stores

Professional beauty supply stores frequently offer inexpensive cutting classes sponsored by the various big-name brands they carry. There is usually a list right at the checkout counter with all the upcoming events, or you can ask the associate or check their websites for more details. Classes may be on that company's newest collection of cuts and styles, with information on how to achieve those results, live demonstrations of a whole hair cut start to finish, or hands-on walk-throughs with the help of the instructor right there to guide you.

Advanced Academies

Advanced academies are essentially the grad schools for cosmetologists. They typically offer several days to several weeks' worth of classes dedicated to an in-depth look at one aspect, like cuts or hair styling. Advanced academy classes can be one of the more expensive options, depending on the class, location, and travel involved, so it is a good idea to check out the options available to you and plan well in advance.

Trade Shows

Trade shows offer a wealth of knowledge on haircuts, from the classes offered to live demonstrations by industry leaders like Sam Villa or Martin Parsons. Hair shows happen all over the United States and at various times of the year. Classes may be free or you may need to pay for a seat in addition to the price of your ticket if the class is more hands-on. This is also a great place to network with other stylists and get fresh ideas and outlooks merely through observation and conversation.

Right At Your Fingertips

Many educators have turned to the Internet to share their wealth of knowledge with other stylists. This can be a very cost-effective option, but it is important to make sure the information is coming from a licensed cosmetologist or barber. You can find webinars, which are essentially interviews recorded over a slide show, on the newest hair cutting trends and tools. Many professional sites offer detailed pictures, written steps, and diagrams showing all the steps of a cut. Other professionals upload full hair cutting class video series, some free, some with a fee to gain access, where they will walk you through a cut start to finish.
