Vamping Up Your Wardrobe by Tackling Common Myths about the Little Black Dress

It has been said that if there is one thing you should have in your closet, it is the basic little black dress. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about how a little black dress should be worn. If you are looking to vamp up your wardrobe with a little more variety, you should make sure that you do not let the misconceptions about the basic black dress get in the way. 

Misconception: The basic black dress should be form fitting and short.

FactJust because you are told that everyone needs a little black dress, it does not mean that the black dress you have in your wardrobe should be uber short or so tight on all your curves that it looks like you could pop. The term "little" should really be inferred as "simple" if you have a more curvaceous body type. Otherwise, you will find that your little black dress leaves you feeling a little over-the-top or underdressed. 

Misconception: The little black dress is fine on its own—no need to accessorize. 

Fact: For some occasions, just the basic black dress will work, but this is not always the case. The right black dress can be easily paired with colorful accessories. That is actually what makes this color dress so desirable; it will match just about anything. From a cropped denim jacket to add a casual appeal to a seriously business-style blazer with long sleeves to make the dress wearable to a formal occasion, you should be having fun pairing your black dress with a little bit of everything. Thick wool scarves in the winter, sleek metallic tights and a studded belt for a night out, or even just the right pair of shoes and jewelry can completely change the look of your outfit. 

Misconception: You can wear a simple black dress to just about any occasion if it is worn right. 

Fact: A simple black dress will work well in a lot of situations because you do have the ability to add accessories and other clothing pieces to make it possible. However, a black dress, even paired with specific accessories, will not fit in with some occasions. For example, showing up to a wedding in a black dress could be considered a bad omen, according to

Take a look at your wardrobe and determine if there are changes you could make to create more desirable options this year. Yes, the little black dress could be one of your main go-to items, but you should make sure that you fully understand how to appropriately wear this dress to impress. 
